

The Manava Bharti School Anghaila Hills is a curriculum not static but an evolving and growing set of ideas and methodologies that compliments the child’s needs. We look at ‘life’ as the basis of curriculum to facilitate the development of all the facets of the child.

Our curriculum includes ethics and culture, natural farming, watershed management, soil conservation and land development, bio-diversity conservation, rural engineering, architecture, science and technology, art, cooking and housekeeping, sustainable use of resources, among others. Dance, music art and physical education and moral education are essential elements in our curriculum for boosting self confidence, creativity and a positive vision.  

Visual & Performing Arts

Arts provide children with an opportunity to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Different forms of art are an effective and powerful medium for self-exploration and self-expression. It is through art that we can develop the quality of head and heart as well as manual skills.

Social Sciences

Social science education at school level increases the child’s sensitivity to diverse cultures, communities, and interestgroups. We at The Green School facilitate this process in the child. The basic ideas of history enable the child to appreciate the evolution of civilization and culture across the tide of times.


The focus of teaching of mathematics is not merely to develop numerical ability and mathematical reasoning, but to help learners to apply them to the reality they live in. In a typical conventional set up mathematics is taught to follow a set of rules and application of formulae mindlessly to arrive at the right answer

Scientific Skills

Based on recent research in the field of Cognitive Sciences, it has been clearly established that human beings are genetically programmed to learn and decipher meanings and to be inquisitive and curious about the world around. The mind’s natural capacity to observe, learn, and respond to the wonderful patterns and forms of nature is unique.

Learning Process

Learning is a lifelong process. In order to ensure meaningful learning sometimes we have to unlearn a lot of things that we already know. This is an uncomfortable process but it is these uncomfortable situations in life that we learn the most. However, there should be a motivating factor that will encourage us to go on this journey. We need to feel the spirit of enquiry, the desire to know more and stand in awe at the beauty with which life functions and are important for a
meaningful learning process. It is this combination of learning and wonderment that makes the learning process fun.

Project-Based Learning

At Manava Bharti School Anghaila Hills, all the learners will have an opportunity to work on real life projects such that they are able to discover, develop and nurture various skills that would require them to build a relationship with the work such that the passion and not diktat motivates. The precursor to such learning is to develop an ability to collaborate, enquire, experiment, observe, hypothesize, reason and communicate.

Multi Grade Teaching

Grouping children like family gains strength from the range of talents and interests of its members, the multi-grade class is thus enriched. The barriers of age and gender are thus broken down. A child actively uses older children to develop skills and to acquire knowledge. The same child actively asserts responsibility towards younger ones and develops an increasingly sophisticated understanding of that responsibility.

Thematic Learning

Thematic Learning is a novel method of facilitating learning whereby a specific theme or idea is selected to enable learning of one or more academic concepts simultaneously. The corner stone of this method is the integration of data and thoughts on various aspects of a selected theme. This provides an environment that fosters and encourages the process of learning and active involvement of all the children.

Tools For Learning

Learning is a process of experience, questioning, imagining and experimenting. Learning happens everywhere. Activities and conversations are some of the most powerful tools for shaping this process of learning. However, this process cannot happen in isolation but with the support of a community which in itself is continuously learning, relearning and unlearning. A child is as much part of this community as is a true teacher.

Community Service

Our children begin to contribute to the well being of the immediate community in the school as well as to the larger global community when they grow up. They can thus become global citizens by gaining broader and deeper perspectives of the world.

Group Work

The idea of group work envisages the vision of children talking, sharing, reshaping, refining and co- creating their concepts while learning from one another. It also activates the inherent enthusiasm of every child by learning opportunities in group situations.


Self –reflection is an all important ability to look within ourselves to get a clear picture of our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, motivations and our personality, in general. It is a process of critically observing our own mental models.


Dialogue is a shared exploration towards a greater understanding. It helps children to think collectively in developing human relationship. Thinking together implies that the child ceases to consider self-decision as final.

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